Also the movie you are referring to I think is the The Breakfast Club NOT the Breakfast Clue.

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There is a book I think I have mentioned in the past called Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party by Lily Geismer. Anyways the book makes the argument that this trend has been going on for a long time perhaps not as long in the Chicago suburbs as elsewhere(like New England) but has it’s origins in the Adlai Stevenson-Eisenhower era. Geismer suggests the main cleavage in the Democratic Party between these suburban voters and more traditional urban constituencies has been over subjects such as affordable housing and deficit reduction.

Anyways good book.


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It also matters what suburbs we're talking about. The ones mentioned have shifted drastically more Democratic and are considered more of the "uber rich" areas. However, those suburbs in DuPage, Kane, and parts of Will are still keeping some of their GOP roots.

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